Faces of Genocide - Rwanda: Faces of Genocide

This is a portrait that features two Rwandan women (65 and 85 years old), wearing different colored prison uniforms, standing outside (side-by-side) and looking into the camera.
Faces of Genocide, Ngoma district, Rwanda

May 18, 2016 - Ngoma Women's Prison - Pascasie Nyirabarera, 65, right, and Mary Odeta Nyirarudodo, 84, were joined by three other women when they killed one family. According to Pascasie, "A woman named Nathalie passed by me on her way to fetch water and said, 'I have found a Tutsi somewhere, why don't you come and we will kill her.' Nathalie picked up a big stick and I picked up a mallet; we went to kill Virginie and her 3-year old grandchild. We killed them in their own home. There were five of us, two of whom have now passed away. The rest of us who are still alive are all in prison. We did it alone. We were all women. I am now in prison with Mary Odette Nyirarudodo who was one of those women who went to kill that family."